Joining us for a Sunday service
Though not in any particular order, here is what you can expect in any Sunday evening get-together when you come visit us in person.
Singing is very much a part of this faith community. Most of the music is fairly simple and all the lyrics will be displayed. Feel free to join in or just listen. At Renovatus, we celebrate!
At some point during the worship time, the church will be given several minutes to focus and have a private moment of reflection. There is bread and grape juice available; the bread representing Jesus’ body and the fruit juice his blood. Using individually sealed cups we symbolically share in the very person of Jesus Christ.
This church is dedicated to generosity with time, talents, and out treasure. We urge you to be creative, purposeful, and listen to God speaking to your heart. What is he asking you to give today? There are baskets available for you place your giving.
The Renovatus church of Christ has a high regard for the teaching and world-perceptions of Jesus! You can expect that a part of the assembly time is spent in learning from the Bible. During our study time we enjoy using the New Living Translation of the Bible, and copies are available at no cost at the Welcome table. We fully expect to hear from God!
Prayer and Contemplation

Service Opportunities
It is common for community members to frequently invest in various opportunities to serve individuals and the neighborhood. All are welcome to contribute to the well-being of our society. This faith-community is deeply involved in the surrounding community. Feel free to join in!
PreK Kids
Pre-school children and toddlers are invited to a special class. The children are supervised by safe and qualified adults who guide the kids in age appropriate experiences to explore and experience God’s love. Our prayer is that each child will realize God’s unconditional love for them and for that love to overflow.
Elementary School. For ages 5 to 11 years.
On Sunday evenings we have a class beginning at 5:00pm. This time is spiritually challenging and age-appropriate … and a blessing to our kids!