Our Core Values


The story God is trying to tell is All about His fascination with people. We desire to be gripped by that same fascination; to recognize eternity in each other. when we do, two things will never be the same: No longer will we go it alone in our search for Jesus, and no longer will our spiritually produce words without actions.


Christ-followers aren’t made once for all. We must be continually remade if we expect to move forward. Ours is a faith that pulls us deeper into God’s purpose and truth with the passing of time.  While that includes improving our behavior, the real aim of Jesus is to give us new appetites. Only then will we learn to become.


Being honest about our own clumsiness with life is the best way we know to invite others to experience the power of our loving God. We are reckless enough to need Jesus in front of other people, choosing to live see-through lives in which people can watch Christ-followers at their best and at their worst.


We refuse to separate everyday life from act of worship. Our desire is to create sacred space beyond the church walls.  This not only requires changed persons but signals our belief that the beauty and power of the arts can be harnessed to communicate Christ.


Relationship with God looks past the skin of religion. It touches the nearness of God in a way that information about God and simple rule-keeping cannot.  We have a desire to know God for ourselves and until we find Him in personal experience, we are not the better for having met him.


We envision…
  • Planting church-planting churches
  • Transformed lives
  • A high sense of Community
    • As we serve our immediate neighborhood, and…
    • As we Connect within our faith-community.
  • Worship that is relevant, experiential, and transformational.
  • A dynamic Children’s Ministry that is also relevant, experiential, and transformational.
  • A selfless faith community that gives relational and ministry priority to those who are not part of this faith community!